Ok, so we had a long weekend past with the Monday a much deserved break from having to go in to work for the day. Saturday wasn't very eventful for me although it was pleasant. I went to KwaGuqa's (Witbank) RS birthday social. They invited the stake relief society presidency. I wasn't really looking forward to it but it turned out to be quite a special program for me so in the end was glad I went. When I got home, Justin and the kids were there which is always lek-ker.
Sunday, after lunch, we pretty much always sit around the table and chat. No-one's really in a hurry to clean and move away from their places which I think is great. Although, it might be because 'maagie's vol, oogie's toe' (ie for the forreigners, this means people = sleepy after eating too much).
Ok, no-one must tell Candy that I put this pic on my blog. She will kill me.. ;) What a girl, even when forced to pull a face, she looks pretty.


I love spending time with my family.
They are just the best!
I caught the little Braganca junior monkies in oupa's tree. Active and happy kids are such fun. Wish I had their energy. I think I don't because the older you get, the heavier your bum gets which makes movement harder. Yes, that's it. It's nature and has nothing to do with loving foods and not exercising enough. It's natural. Like going grey. Not that
I'm going grey. Loreal helps me prevent that!



I kinda realised that I should probably invest in a camera so that my pics aren't blurry and fuzzy or dark. I've never had the desire or need to take pics. Anyway, I'm considering it.
On Monday (my day away from the office) I decided to walk to the gym in town, instead of drive there and back. I haven't done that in such a long time - like years. It was so refreshing. Wish I could do that all the time. So on the way, I walked passed the park and couldn't help but ooh and aah at the cosmos growing freely.

It's just beautiful. "when God paints.." I love it. Wish my pics were clearer. But I'm sure you get the picture. (aah, that was terrible. I swear, I didn't pun on purpose)

I am just really glad that it didn't rain. It was too cold. But all-in-all, it was a good trip. And a good day for pretty much nothing. I was able to watch a Jane Austin movie while lying on the couch and not feel guilty about it.