Thursday, March 18, 2010


Ok, so I don't really feel like working today - haven't for a while now. Every day I feed the birds outside my window. These pics I took with little effort from my chair in front of my computer - convenient, hey? If you look carefully between the burglar bars (no they aren't jail cell bars, I promise) you can see the little birdies. The horizontal lines are my blinds - couldn't lift them cause that would chase the birds away. That was just FYI.. They fight each other (especially the doves) because they don't want to share, nevermind that while they're chasing eachother around, the seed is getting eaten by all the other birds. Can't imagine why we use the term bird-brain. I love the big window I sit next to! I would definitely prefer to be outside but this is a pleasant alternative. I'm an outdoorsy girl and find myself staring outside a lot! When it rains, I have to mentally constrain myself from walking in the rain with my shoes off - nevermind that most of the day my shoes are thrown aside anyway. It's the boere blood in me. ;)


  1. I hate wearing shoes too. Doesn't do my feet alot of good though. Wearing shoes in winter gets them back into shape :-)

  2. I am outdoorsy girl myself! I think that's why having a baby in Winter in Utah is so's feezing and I can't go out as much as I would like to (being indoors all day takes it's toll on my mental stability;)
